I’m an Argentinian magician, now based in Copenhagen, Denmark since 2016.
My journey in magic began in childhood. I am inspired by master magicians worldwide, especially the esteemed Spanish school of magic. I hold my spectators in high regard, and therefore I invite you to join me in exploring the boundaries of wonder and logic.
From 2018 to 2024, I hosted a weekly show in central Copenhagen, Where I performed every Friday for thousands of people from all over the world getting great reviews.
My goal is to challenge conventional perceptions of magic, mainly using cards as a medium to craft unforgettable moments that defy reality, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.
With more than 10 years of experience, I can guarantee that you will like what you see and most importantly, you are going to remember it, so get ready for some high class, elegant and entertaining magic that will take you away for a new and unique experience that will have you laughing, just because you have no clue how that happened.

I’m an Argentinian magician, now based in Copenhagen, Denmark since 2016.
My journey in magic began in childhood. I am inspired by master magicians worldwide, especially the esteemed Spanish school of magic. I hold my spectators in high regard, and therefore I invite you to join me in exploring the boundaries of wonder and logic.
From 2018 to 2024, I hosted a weekly show in central Copenhagen, Where I performed every Friday for thousands of people from all over the world getting great reviews.
My goal is to challenge conventional perceptions of magic, mainly using cards as a medium to craft unforgettable moments that defy reality, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.
With more than 10 years of experience, I can guarantee that you will like what you see and most importantly, you are going to remember it, so get ready for some high class, elegant and entertaining magic that will take you away for a new and unique experience that will have you laughing, just because you have no clue how that happened.

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